Home Physics Programming #SketchYourScience

Howdy! I'm

A Programmer


I've been programming in various languages for about 8 years now, during which I've worked on a pretty wide range of projects. I began with Java, after which I transitioned to C++, finally coming to work mostly in Python and Matlab these days. That being said, I am comfortable using any of the following languages:

Curated Projects by Topic

While the extent of my projects can be found on my Github page, here are a few particularly cool ones!


Ever wanted to visualize what your music listening habits and playlists look like? This interactive web app creates low-dimensional representations of your Spotify playlist data!

Try the interactive demo here!

The app is hosted on Azure, and has a cold start; if the page doesn't load, wait ~20 seconds and try again.


Excluding projects that are directly tied to my active research, I still enjoy working on physics-related simulations and methods!


Physics Engine

This lightweight physics engine implements automatic generation of collision boxes from sprites, specifically designed for game development. The detection of intersections of polygons of arbitrary concavity is done efficiently, including built-in ways to approximate shapes to boost performance.


Variational Solver

This small script allows you to calculate the approximate ground state energy of a Hamiltonian given a wavefunctional form inputted as a symbolic expression from sympy.



This app simulates arbitrary regions of your screen as someone with various types of colorblindness would see it. This can be used to check presentations, scientific figures, etc. to make sure they are legible to everyone!



This is a simple CLI-based todo list made in Java that I continuously add features to as I find I personally need them. It currently supports different coloring schemes (including a compatability mode), task grouping, and fun messages upon completing a task!

Useful Things

One of the main reasons that I program so much is to create applications for my own personal use (and if others can use them too, all the better)!

Fun Stuff

Not-too-serious that I made as a way to learn a language, or just because I was bored!


Github Game Off 2018

This is a platformer video game I made from scratch for the annual game jam hosted by Github in 2018. The goal is to create a full game in only a month, which I was able to do -- though it's good thing they didn't specify you had to make a good game...


Hacking Minigame

This is my recreation of the hacking minigame that appears in most Fallout games, where you have to select the correct word from a list given how many characters it has in common with the others.

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